Are your patients grinding their teeth? We offer a variety of options when it comes to choosing the right appliance for your patient. IMPAK NightGuard A revolutionary new "soft" acrylic with … More

Cast Partial
We will ensure that your Patients Cast Partial Dentures will fit comfortably and our best efforts to ensure that they are aesthetically pleasing will be our highest priority. Our Cast Partial … More

Acrylic Partial Dentures
We offer a variety of options when it comes to Acrylic Partial Dentures to ensure your patient maintains a beautiful, healthy and functional smile. Transitional Partial This prosthesis is used as … More

Adjunctive Services
Our Lab has been growing exponentially and are in the process of opening another location! We are now offering other services in the following departments: - Crown and Bridge - … More

Flexible- TCS dentures
If you or your patient are looking for an alternative to cast partial or acrylic partial because of aesthetic reasons or allergies to those materials then TCS may be the solution for your patient. … More

Immediate Dentures
Most patients who are facing extraction as the final step to full dentures want to make the move to dentures as quickly and conveniently as possible. Yet, the procedure commonly involves an initial … More
Anti-Snoring Devices
ANTI-SNORING DEVICES - are small, comfortable oral appliances that are worn while sleeping. These appliances work by bringing the jaw forward, or by holding the tongue forward, preventing snoring. … More
Sports mouth guards
SPORTS MOUTHGUARD - Provide protection for teeth, specifically when individuals are involved in an activity or sport where there is a risk of falling or head contact with other people or equipment. … More